Ciarán MacAirt

Britain lied to the European Commission about the McGurk's Bar Massacre

Britain Lied to the European Commission about the McGurk’s Bar Massacre

As late as 1976, the British state and Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) lied to the Irish Government and European Commission on Human Rights about the McGurk’s Bar Massacre, and claimed that the explosion was the result of “an IRA bomb which had exploded prematurely whilst in transit to its intended target… a hotel nearby”. Margaret

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ato hqni log

McGurk’s Bar Families Give New Evidence to the Police Ombudsman

Relatives of the McGurk’s Bar bombing victims have told the Police Ombudsman that documents they have obtained contain evidence of security force collusion in the attack. Family members of some of the 15 people killed in the 1971 loyalist blast in Belfast met with representatives of the Police Ombudsman’s office to press for a new investigation.

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McGurk's Bar Mural

Victim’s Grandson Calls Out Top Cop over McGurk’s Bar Cover-Up

A grandson of one of the fifteen civilians murdered in the McGurk’s Bar Massacre has demanded that the Chief Constable of the Police Service Northern Ireland do his job and quash a Historical Enquiries Team report on the atrocity before the 45th anniversary of the attack. The demand follows the grandson’s discovery of a ground-breaking

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McGurk's Bar families outside MI6 in London

Britain’s National Security? No. Britain’s National Shame

Families of those murdered in the McGurk’s Bar atrocity travelled to London this week to mark the 44th anniversary of the attack and to lobby for the release of archives which relate to the attack but which have been closed to them because of what the authorities deem to be “national security”. 15 innocent men women and

Britain’s National Security? No. Britain’s National Shame Read More »

CJM issue 98 cover image

Corporate Memory and the McGurk’s Bar Massacre

Drew Harris, the Deputy Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern, has purchased the corporate memory and the corporate allegiance of his old friends in the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Considering the institutional sectarianism and criminality of this failed force, he may be hoping for corporate amnesia but ordinary families will not allow them to forget. Criminal

Corporate Memory and the McGurk’s Bar Massacre Read More »