Corporate Memory and the McGurk’s Bar Massacre

Drew Harris, the Deputy Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern, has purchased the corporate memory and the corporate allegiance of his old friends in the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

Criminal Justice Matters - Issue 98Considering the institutional sectarianism and criminality of this failed force, he may be hoping for corporate amnesia but ordinary families will not allow them to forget.

Criminal Justice Matters has just published the article Corporate Memory and the McGurk’s Bar Massacre by author Ciarán MacAirt.

A limited number can be downloaded for free via this link.

“Ciarán MacAirt writes about the murder of his grandmother, Kathleen Irvine, and 14 other civilians in a Belfast bar 43 years ago, and the families’ on-going campaign for truth”

Ciarán writes:

“Some of the families met with the former Chief Constable to tackle him on his refutation of the Police Ombudsman’s report in 2011.

I considered it rather ham-fisted as he wheeled into the meeting with many of his top police officers in train.

One of the older family members asked him during the meeting how many of his team were former members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary and each and every one looked to the ground.

‘Well Chief Constable’, he said, ‘I have a serious concern that you are seeking counsel from people who are suffering from corporate memory of their time in the RUC’.”

Lest we forget.