
Ar Lorg na Fírinne Game of Truth McGurk's Bar Featured

Ar Lorg Na Fírinne – Game of Truth

The Docs Ireland festival is hosting the international documentary, Game of Truth – Ar Lorg Na Fírinne. Written and directed by acclaimed auteur, Fabienne Lips-Dumas, Game of Truth features families searching for truth (Ar Lorg Na Fírinne) about the death of their loved ones during the conflict in Ireland and Britain. The story of the

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i am belfast press kit 5

I Am Belfast

This Sunday, QFT hosts the film, I Am Belfast, Mark Cousins’ love letter to his hometown. Mark abandoned the city because of its bigotry and violence, but this is his return home. His deep love of Belfast sweeps us from cityscape to dreamscape and back again as if carried effortlessly on the tide. From salt

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