Post-Script: Massacre Families Launch Report with New Evidence

The campaigning McGurk’s Bar families are launching a report on Thursday (8th October 2020) called The McGurk’s Bar Bombing: Post-Script.

Post-Script features new evidence discovered by family researcher Ciaran MacAirt – new evidence either missed or buried by historical investigations of the Office of the Police Ombudsman and Police Service Northern Ireland.

  • What: NEW Report: The McGurk’s Bar Bombing – Post-Script
  • Why: NEW evidence from British Army and Government archives of British state collusion and cover-up of the McGurk’s Bar Massacre
  • Who: Author, Ciarán MacAirt, grandson of 2 victims of the atrocity
  • Where and When: Download Now
McGurk's Bar Bombing Post-Script
New Evidence

Critical new evidence relates to:

  1. 1. British armed forces in the area
  2. 2. The seat of the explosion
  3. 3. Suspicious cars in the area, before and after the explosion
  4. 4. The original target, the Gem Bar

Ciarán MacAirt said:

“Among a raft of new information published in The McGurk’s Bar Bombing: Post-Script, I can now prove that there was a covert British Army operation in place on the night of the explosion near McGurk’s Bar and the British Army recorded the escape of the suspect car minutes afterwards. Furthermore, I can also prove that the British state’s lies, which blamed our loved ones for the Massacre, began with collusion between the police and the British Army Commander in charge of Belfast. I name this infamous British soldier.”

“The launch of The McGurk’s Bar Bombing: Post-Script will signal the beginning of legal battles with the Office of the Police Ombudsman, Police Service Northern Ireland and Attorney General if the authorities fail to attend to the new evidence.”

“Historic investigations either failed to find this critical evidence or buried it so we do not know where collusion ends and incompetence begins.”

“The 4th December this year will be the 49th anniversary of the McGurk’s Bar Massacre. Our families demand an independent investigation now.”

Niall Ó Murchú of Kinnear and Co. Solicitors represents the Keenan family. He said:

”The new evidence in The McGurk’s Bar Bombing: Post-Script is an indictment of the previous historical investigations into the atrocity by the Office of the Police Ombudsman and Historical Enquiries Team. They either missed this vital evidence or buried it.”

“The cover-up continues to this day and the families will be forced back into court to seek an independent investigation nearly half a century after the murder of their loved ones by agents of the British state.”

Kevin Winters of KRW Law said:

“The latest findings of Paper Trial exposes yet again the systemic failure of the State to address its investigative obligations under Article 2 of the European Convention.”

“The authorities should be making this sort of information available to families to help them uncover details on how loved ones were killed during the Conflict.”

“Not only do they fail to do so but they actively obstruct through endless bureaucracy and legalisms.”

“We will now assess the impact of these latest significant findings on ongoing legal actions in the High Court.”

Information for Editors

Contact Ciarán MacAirt via or for further information.

–        The McGurk’s Bar atrocity, 4th December 1971, resulted in the deaths of 15 civilians including two children, Maria McGurk (14) and James Cromie (13). Ciarán MacAirt is a grandson of two of the victims. MacAirt’s grandmother, Kathleen Irvine, was murdered in the attack and his grandfather, John, badly injured.

–        You can access information relating to recent discoveries made by Ciarán MacAirt here:

1. Covert British Army Operation Discovered in Vicinity of McGurk’s Bar

2. General Sir Frank Kitson Implicated in McGurk’s Bar Cover-Up 

3. Police Created and Spread McGurk’s Bar Lies

4. British Army Bomb Expert Informed Army Headquarters and Police that McGurk’s Bar Was Attacked

5. British Army buried witness testimony of the suspect car

6. “Missing” British Ministry of Defence File Surrenders its Dirty Secret

–        The families are in the middle of court proceedings against the police and the British state including a Judicial Review which the families commenced to force the PSNI to quash a report by the Historical Enquiries Team. The report sought to exonerate the original police investigation.

–        The families are also questioning the Attorney General’s decision to withhold a new inquest.

Watch McGurk’s Bar Bombing: Post-Script