Challenge to Chief Constable George Hamilton

Families who lost loved ones in the McGurk’s Bar atrocity have challenged PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton and his so-called Legacy Investigation Branch to attend a lecture by world-renowned human rights lawyer, Michael Mansfield, commemorating the 45th anniversary of the attack.


Billed as a Case-Study in Disinformation, Denial and Delay, the memorial lecture is free to attend and begins at 7pm, Tuesday 6th December in St. Mary’s College, Falls Road, Belfast.

The 45th anniversary of the atrocity which claimed the lives of 15 innocent civilians, including 2 children, is on 4th December.

Author, Ciarán MacAirt’s grandmother, Kathleen Irvine was one of those murdered. He says:

“It is vitally important that Mr Hamilton and his senior team are in the audience to listen to the evidence being forensically presented by renowned human rights campaigner Mchael Mansfield.
As successive police teams, including Mr Hamilton’s, have only offered failed investigations, the families had to target and uncover critical items of evidence which prove a cover-up by the state and its police.

To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the massacre, we are presenting this historic evidence which the police in the past and today either failed to discover, ignored or buried.
Many of our loved ones are now very old and this will be their only chance to see the evidence presented in a public forum as the likes of Chief Constable George Hamilton have failed us so badly. Nevertheless, we would look forward to meeting him there instead of having him hide behind the delaying tactics of lawyers.”