Ulster Unionist Party

Doug Beattie UUP and Brian Faulkner

Doug Beattie and UUP Silent on McGurk’s Bar Cover-Up

Doug Beattie and the Ulster Unionist Party remain silent on the McGurk’s Bar cover-up. Commemoration is difficult and we have a year of difficult 50th-anniversary commemorations ahead for thousands of families this year. Many organisations and people, including former combatants have much to consider too – be they people who served in uniform or otherwise. […]

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Prime Minister Brian Faulkner Carried Aloft

Black Propaganda and the Northern Ireland Prime Minister

Two days after the McGurk’s Bar Massacre, the Northern Ireland Prime Minister, Brian Faulkner, flew to meet with Reginald Maudling, British Home Secretary, for crunch talks on security. The notes of the meeting, discovered by Pat Finucane Centre at Kew National Archives, show in stark terms how the cover-up went right to the top of

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